lazycode banner
Last updated: 1 May 2003 by bigcalm
+What is lazyCode?
+Why do I want lazyCode?
+Where can I get lazyCode?
+Everybody has a 'todo' list, does lazyCode?
+Who's ego are you flaunting?

These questions, and more, shall be answered when somebody gets around to it.

What is lazyCode?
lazyCode is a modular based content management system scaled for singel user use.
All inital programming was done by Iain Cuthbertson.
Since the 1st alpha made it off his LAN, Adam Newton has become the 2nd member to join the lazyCode project. Adam provides the 1st word in bug reports and module ideas as well as some theme development.
The most recent member is Gry, who has been working through nasty colds to produce stunning image work. All admin images plus the smiles are her work.

Why do I want lazyCode?
You might be looking for a blogging system and don't want to follow the main stream bandwagon of blogger or MoveableType and others.

Before you consider lazyCode for your site, there are a few things you need to consider:
+ XML is the order of the day! If you don't like XML, you don't like lazyCode.
+ Perl is other order of the day! Again, if this is a language you are unhappy with (maybe it didn't get you laid like Larry said it would), then pass on by traveler.
+ lazyCode cannot run without XML::Simple and is slightly crippled without LWP::Simple (no syndication of other websites and some code would need to be remarked out). Thankfuly, XML::Simple is a module that can be easily dropped into the lazyCode tree, but take heed, it is dependant apon other mods, check your system! LWP::Simple is a standard mod so _should_ already be installed. If you have shell access, you can add these mods yourself (Stuck? Check bellow). If not, ask your friendly systems admin for help ;o)

Where can I get lazyCode?
It is more a matter of _when_. I'll release some code, packeged in tar balls (zips too if there are desprate windows users out there) as and when I feel it's ready. (Soon guys, soon!)

Everybody has a 'todo' list, does lazyCode?
But of course. Nothing is ever perfect right?
Number 1 on the list is to work out what my own code actualy does. Other things on the list are...
+ RDF feed. (done Jan 2003)
+ simpler module integration. (kind of done, but might be re-written)

Who's ego are you flaunting?
Um, it wasn't my idea to do this.
I was put up to it by Adam, so you can blame him okay?
If people genuinely find my work useful, then cool :o)
lazyCode is Copyright © 2001-2003 Iain Cuthbertson.
The software is released under the The GNU General Public License
Theme devel, docs, Beta and Bug by Adam Newton
Smilies and admin graphics by Gry
Coffee made by Adam Newton
Pizza cooked by Iain Cuthbertson
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